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Carmen Blue Gyno Exam HD Video

Carmen Blue Gyno Exam HD VideoNew Examination video featuring Carmen Blue has just been added today. The video contains breasts check, palpation, pussy stretching, exercise stretching, pussy fingering, plastic speculum, metal speculum, thermometer in the ass and more.
The video is available as all recent videos in amazing HD quality with 1280×720 resolution!
Join for gyno HD videos and over 40.000 exclusive photos!

Doctor Gyno Stories Added to

We have added 12 full length written stories with doctor/gyno theme. If you enjoy reading stories like that, you will find them in The Vault under new Doctor Stories section.
The stories were written and provided to us by Silky Delight. Here is the preview from a story called The Women’s Health Clinic (full stories in our members area)

Looking me in the eye and watching for any discomfort, she slowly inserted her entire fist into my pussy, twisting it around. I had never felt anything like this before! She pulled her fingers from my ass, added more lubrication, and then… I knew what was coming.. she folded her thumb under her other fingers, held them tight, and slid them slowly into my ass. She was slow and careful during this, working the lubricant in well before proceeding any deeper. Using both hands deep into my openings, she thrust back and forth, sliding one in while the other slid out, feeling every possible nook and crevice. It felt so very wonderful, I didn’t want her to stop! All too soon, she did, and she carefully slid her hands out.

Do you write medical/gyno/doctor themed stories? Share them with our members. Let me know and we will be happy to publish them!

Magazine, DVD, Blu-ray? VOTE NOW!

We were thinking, what other product would you be interest in buying beside subscription to our website.
So far we came up with following options:

1) We could publish a magazine with our photos. You could take our magazine with you, andafter all, magazine is a magazine, little bit different from website. We would publish our high quality photos in it, stories etc. We could ship anywhere in the world. Estimated price $20-30

2) DVD with our videos. You could play them easily in your DVD player, so could could watch our movies easily on your TV. Each DVD would contain approx 2-3 scenes. The price would be around $25 + $5 for worlwide shipping. We could publish one new DVD every month.

3) Blu-ray with 1920×1080 HD movies for your HD TV set. This would be ultimate video quality product, first ever on Blu-ray. Approx 2-3 scenes per disc, the price probably higher comparing to DVD, estimated prices up to $50 but remember this is Blu-ray and something very special.


Jenny Gyno Examination Photoset with Orgams

Jenny Gyno Examination Photoset with OrgamsExamination photoset with Jenny (557 photos) has been added to the members area. This photoset contains breasts check, palpation, pussy stretching, exercise stretching, pussy fingering, dildo therapy, real orgasm, plastic speculum and metal speculum.
Join for over 30.000 exclusive gyno fetish photos and HD videos!

Jenny Nasty Nurse Uniform Speculum Photos

Jenny Nasty Nurse Uniform Speculum PhotosNew photoset with Jenny has been added today. Jenny dressed in the nurse uniform performs following action in the photoset: solo posing, logo t-shirt posing, pussy stretching, plastic speculum. She does great job in stretching her pussy, she inserts several fingers inside and opens her pussy wide so we can see really everything. Jenny also inserts clear plastic speculum deep inside her pussy herself and opens it so we can see her cervix.
Inside members area you can find 60 girls, all gaping her pussy, having their vaginas examined by the doctor, various speculums inserted in their pussies an stuff like that. All the latest gyno medical fetish videos are shot in stunning HD quality.
Join now and start download immediately!